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7 Tips To Make Your Winter Morning Routine Wonderful

It’s that time of year again. It’s still dark when you wake up, it’s too cold outside of the comfort of your warm bed, and it seems like no one else should be alive at this hour.

But it’s 7:00 am. And it’s time to wake up.

Your morning routine sets the mood for your entire day. But, sticking to a routine can be difficult in these colder months.

But having one can be your saving grace. Especially on those days when it feels impossible to get out of bed. Your routine can give you something to look forward to in the morning and keep you motivated throughout the day.

Here are some tips to make your morning routine more motivating, uplifting, and energizing. But first, let’s explore why routines work and how they improve your life.

Why Routines Work

They Help You Build and Maintain Good Habits

Habits are the parts that make up your routines. When you practice good habits you work towards improving your life.

When you indulge in bad habits the opposite happens.

Building a routine built of habits that align with the person we want to be can make us happier, calmer, and more goal-oriented.

They Keep You Moving Towards Your Goals

Building habits that align with your goals is an underrated life hack.

If you want to be a morning person, waking up at 5 AM may be a habit you add to your routine.

If you want to be smarter, setting aside time to read and learn may be something you’d add to your routine.

Your routine will become a set of life-changing tasks you do on autopilot.

7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Morning Routine This Winter

Limit Screen Time Before Bed

“the light from our screens can delay our transition to sleep, even if we are engaged in some soothing activity online.”

We’re all guilty of falling asleep with the tv on, scrolling TikTok with Pinterest open on the laptop, right? (Just me? 😅)

The truth is even a mindless scroll through Instagram could mean losing sleep.

Focus on a good night’s sleep by putting away your devices for at least an hour before you fall asleep. This will help you feel rested and refreshed for the morning.

Wake up A Little Earlier Than Normal

Getting ready on a winter morning can have obstacles. You could wake up to 10 inches of snow, your car door frozen shut, or, god forbid, a particularly slippery patch of ice sneaks up on you.

Wake up a bit earlier than you usually do to make room for the unpredictability the season may bring.

If you work from home you can enjoy an earlier morning too!

Take advantage of the opportunity to have a slow and peaceful morning.

With that said…

Try Not to Hit Snooze Too Many Times


Be graceful with yourself here. It’s difficult to change your sleep schedule at the drop of a hat.

Try waking up a little earlier every day for two weeks until you wake up at your desired time.

Find the Light

The hardest part of waking up in the winter months is the lack of sunlight. That’s why getting as much light as possible is important on these cold and gloomy days.

Make the most of sunny days in the winter. Take short walks or sit in the window. Absorb as much sunlight as possible.

For the cloudier days, consider investing in some lighting for your home. Try a sunrise lamp like this one from Phillips.

Or invest in a light therapy lamp like this one for seasonal depression.


Get your body moving first thing in the morning.

Exercise gives our brain energy in the morning. A short yoga session or a run can shake off that winter morning fog and kickstart your brain for a productive day.

Try these stress-relieving yoga poses for a slow-flowing morning stretch.

Make Time to Journal

Clearing your mind in the morning can be a great way to start your day. This calming practice can help you start in a calm state of mind.

Quality time with yourself is important. Taking time to journal in the morning is a great way to stay in tune with yourself.

Follow a prompt or free-write and see what happens.

Read Goals and Affirmations

When you set goals, write them down and put them in a place you’ll see them every day.

Keep them on a handy sticky note by your computer or as your phone’s wallpaper.

The same goes for affirmations. Write them down when you journal and put them somewhere close for the day.

Having these little reminders motivate you to act on and strive towards your goals. Not to mention all the positivity this fosters.

A morning routine can give you something to look forward to, give you energy and motivate you to keep working toward your goals.

Having a set morning ritual can also make those cold winter mornings a bit warmer and more relaxing without having to sacrifice creativity or energy.

What tips do you have to make winter mornings easier?

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