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Pre-Diabetes | Your Body's wake up call + How to make changes to Live Well

About 2-ish week ago I was "diagnosed" with Prediabetes. I use "diagnosed" loosely only because diabetes runs in my family and pre diabetes seems like more of a warning to get my life together more than a diagnosis, especially after finding out it is 100% reversible. Being diagnosed with prediabetes was a wake-up call and as strange as it sounds, it is exactly the type of wake up call I needed. It made me realize that preaching wellness online is not enough. I needed to take full control and responsibility of my health CONSISTENTLY to be able to make a lasting impact on my longterm quality of life, my community and my child.

Though I did not have many people in my life to look to as an example of good health and wellness, I refuse to let that become the reality for my child and those taking in my content online. Falling off the bandwagon was easier in the past but now more than ever it is imperative that I prioritize living well for the future. My lifestyle doesn't have to make a full on turn around but with small daily efforts to change my habits and mindset I will be able to make a lasting impact and share my journey to good health. The first baby step I took was RESEARCH. I looked in every direction to find out more about pre diabetes and what lifestyle changes people made in the name of good health.

Here are five things that I learned since being diagnosed with prediabetes:

I always knew that diet was impo rtant, but being diagnosed with prediabetes made me realize just how crucial it is. I started paying closer attention to what I was eating, and I began to make changes to my diet. I cut out processed foods and sugary drinks, and I focused on eating more whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. I've also started tracking my calorie intake and macronutrients to ensure I'm getting enough of the right nutrients.

Exercise is essential

Along with changes in my diet, I also started to exercise regularly. I found that regular exercise helped me to manage my blood sugar levels, and it also improved my overall health and wellbeing. I really enjoy The Pilates Class's at home pilates workouts to build my strength in the comfort of my own home and they make it easy to make sure to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each day with their various timed workouts/meditations and yoga sessions.(NOT SPONSORED)

Stress management is crucial

Stress can have a huge impact on our health, and I found that it was a major factor in my prediabetes diagnosis. To manage my stress, I started practicing mindfulness meditation and yoga (also not sonsored). I am also making sure to take time for myself each day, whether that be reading a book, taking a bath, or going for a walk.

Pre-diabetes is reversible

The good news is that prediabetes is reversible. By making healthy lifestyle changes, like eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy weight, you can lower your blood sugar levels and reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It’s important to work with your healthcare provider to create a plan that works for you and to monitor your blood sugar levels regularly.

Practice what I preach

As the founder of PLNTED + FOR HER BY HER, I realized that now more than ever, it is important to practice what I preach. I needed to lead by example and make the changes in my own life that I was encouraging others to make. This experience has given me a greater appreciation for the challenges that our community face and reinforced the importance of providing accessible and effective tools and resources to help them make positive lifestyle changes.

Prediabetes was my wake-up call, but it also gave me the motivation to make positive changes in my life. Though I have so much to learn and progress to make, focusing on diet, exercise, stress management, community support, and leading by example, I am now on the path to better health and wellbeing.

Being diagnosed with prediabetes can be overwhelming, along with running a business but having a supportive community can make all the difference. I found support from friends online who were also trying to make healthier lifestyle changes. Be on the look out this month for the release of our newsletter where we will help, encourage and provide resources to professionals to live in their purpose, prioritize their wellness and make steps to grow on purpose in person and online. Im so excited to be sharing this journey with you all.

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