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Healthy Habits: The Ultimate Guide to Being Happy and Healthy

Do you struggle with staying on track when it comes to your health and wellness goals?

We've all been there.

You set a New Year's resolution promising your future self that you'll be better, faster, and happier in a year.

And then January passes.

You're still in hibernation mode and it's just too cold to start going to the gym now.

You're not alone.

Truthfully, it can be difficult to stick to new habits. Especially in the middle of winter.

But have you ever thought about the habits you have that take no thought?

According to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43% of habits we have are done when we aren't even thinking of them. These habits that we have on autopilot can be good or bad. But we still carry them out.

Imagine if you could take your New Year's resolution, and work on it every day without thinking. That summer body would last a lifetime!

This is the power our everyday habits have.

Taking a look at our habits and how we can make the most of them can help us achieve our goals and lead more fulfilling lives.

This post will take a look at healthy habits, their benefits, and how you can make them work for you.

In this post


What Are Healthy Habits?

Healthy habits are regular tasks you do consistently that help improves your well-being. They can be used to achieve your goals and ambitions as well as maintain your overall health and wellness.

The healthiest habits help maintain and improve your physical and mental health.

Let's take a look at our New Year's resolutions. 23% of resolutions in 2022 were to "live healthier". This is a goal that requires you to develop a few habits that improve your overall well-being.

You may decide to make a habit of drinking water every morning or establishing a workout routine.

These habits not only keep you energized and healthy; they have a myriad of benefits that can help you live your best life.

They help you feel better, provide mental clarity, and help you reach the goals you set for yourself.

Benefits of Healthy Habits

They Can Help you Reclaim Your Free Time

The more tasks you have on autopilot, the more energy you can dedicate to more enjoyable and fulfilling things.

For example, if you make a habit of cleaning a little every day, you'll have more time to enjoy your space and maybe even have guests over.

This can be especially nice if you tend to have a busy schedule.

They Can help you Improve Your Mood

Habits like meditation or a sleep routine can help improve your mood. A habit of calling your mom or practicing gratitude can also do the trick.

These lifestyle changes can keep you happier in the long run and provide a nice boost of serotonin in the meantime.

They Boost Energy

Habits that focus on nutrition or fitness can boost your energy throughout the day.

This benefits your cognitive health as well as your physical. And it makes you feel really good!

How to Start Healthy Habits

1. Read Atomic Habits.

This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to get serious about changing their life. It's a step-by-step process for building habits and maintaining them.

If you don't want to read the whole book here's a handy habit guide from the author.

2. Assess Your Current Habits.

Take note of the habits, good or bad, that you carry out regularly. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do these habits make me feel good?

  • Do I consider them healthy?

  • Do they help me become the person I want to be?

3. Think about how your habits align with your goals.

Do your habits take you away from your goals or closer?

Are there any habits that are holding you back?

Your afternoon nap probably won't help you get to the gym after work.

4. Determine what habits you want to change or start

Turn your bad habits into helpful ones and your good habits into great ones.

Identifying what habits aren't helpful can get us that much closer to our goals.

5. Be Patient with Yourself

Consistency is the name of the game but we all slip up sometimes.


Don't let yourself get off the wagon for too long though! You'll want to re-start as soon as possible to reap the benefits of your new set of habits!

Tips for Starting & Maintaining New Habits

Start Small

Change can be overwhelming. Keep your habit-building simple.

Start with a small change and gradually add on until you've mastered an entire routine.

For example, start by drinking a glass of water every morning.

Once you've mastered that you can build out an entire routine.

Build Your Habits Around Your Goals

Make sure the new habits you're building align with your goals.

If you made a resolution to become vegan, build your healthy eating routine around vegan recipes.

This type of intentionality will help you get the most out of your habits.

Make It Fun

Reward yourself for your new habit. Once you begin a habit, tack it on to something you enjoy so that you're more likely to do it.

For example, if I want to make a habit of running every day, I can tack it on before my morning strawberry-banana smoothie.

Every time I go for a run now I get to enjoy my smoothie after.

Final Thoughts

Healthy habits help us achieve our goals and lead more fulfilling lives. Our everyday habits have the power to help us become who we want to be and make the most of our lives.

Your habits can determine whether you reach your goals, how healthy you are, your mood, and more. You can make them work for you by being intentional about the habits you carry out every day.

Make the most of your new year's resolution and focus on how your habits will get you there.

What are some habits you plan on starting in 2023?

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