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10 Little Things You Can Do for Yourself Today

At times even self care can begin to feel like another task which can add to the stress of everyday life but to take off time of thinking "what to do next?" we have compiled a list of self care ideas to help you chill out and really appreciate the season of your life right now. Bookmark this list of inexpensive-free things to do for yourself.

  1. Buy yourself a bouquet at the grocery store. Pick one out next time you’re running errands and brighten up your space. I like to occasionally make my own and typically stores have a specials on different types of flowers!

  2. Spend 5 minutes meditating.Meditation is a proven way to reduce anxiety and feel better. make it a challenge to build up to and start with 1-2 minutes.

  3. Make some time for a sheet mask. Treat yourself to a sheet mask—even if you end up wearing it while doing another task.

  4. Take a day off of social media. Nothing feels better than a day with no screens but we know that may seem impossible with how distal everything is so try a day without social media. You’ll find a lot more time for yourself without all that mindless scrolling.

  5. Bake up something delicious. Baking will give you a sense of accomplishment and if baking is too much right now try out a "NO BAKE" recipe.

  6. Spend some time outside. Even just a few minutes in the sunshine can lift your mood. (It’s also a great way to boost energy naturally).

  7. Light a candle. There’s something about burning a candle that instantly makes you feel a little bit calmer.

  8. Add a new houseplant to your home. Having houseplants is not only therapeutic but plants may help reduce stress levels and sharpen your attention

  9. Stretch your body. Stretching, I'm definitely guilty of overlooking stetching as a part of my routine but it feels great even if you dont get trough your entire work out routine and has a number of benefits including improving posture, relieving anxiety, and increasing your range of motion.

  10. Do a random act of kindness. Order food and give your shopper a bigger tip. Pay for the coffee order of car behind you, or just make yourself open to be an ear for a friend going through something. Making someone else’s day can make your day too.

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